Tag: psychology


The present article does not aim at, absolutely, to the diagnosis of any individuals that, for diverse reasons, appreciate to frequent rooms of chat in the Internet, the calls ' ' chats' '. To read more click here: Vlad Doronin. We objectify here, the reflection, according to legacy of Freud, concerning the compulsory aspect of one determined group of people who present indices of compulsory repetition in this practical, exactly being cliente, for the proper experience, of that the final result of this behavior, in its in case that specifically, it tends to be the failure and the suffering. This work was motivated by real a clinical case, that took in them to study the rituals of boarding in these virtual spaces and that it made possible the understanding, that exactly partial, of this interactive mechanism. It has 20 years approximately, the microcomputers had started to be part of the list of indispensable products in our houses and the acquisition of this component is come close becoming each accessible time the middle class and until some segments of the classrooms lowest. Associated to this conquest, the access was followed each unrestricted time to the Internet, what it modified some habits in the interpersonal communications. In face of this new reality, the virtual medias, chats had appeared, spaces where people who normally do not know themselves interact electronically. For backwards of such technological resource, an individual meets that, by means of one video and a keyboard, to the times one webcam a microphone, arrives to pass followed hours ' ' hipnotizado' ' for the happened fancies of this interaction. The anonymity of chat offers great ' ' escudo' ' defensive. For detrs of one nick (nickname), the citizen if feels protege, since its physical presentation is not displayed. Under the optics of the Psychoanalysis, the constitution of the individual goes very beyond its physical body, being preponderant the existence of a psychic device.